October 21, 1968: BSU rejects Marjory Brooks's apology

1968-10-23 - DBK - Blacks Protest Experiment (cont'd from page 1).jpg
1968-10-22 - DBK - Blacks to Rally Today in Protest Over Study.jpg
1968-10-22-DBK-_Blacks to rally_ cont. p.13  (1).jpg


October 21, 1968: BSU rejects Marjory Brooks's apology


After meeting with BSU representatives, Dean of Home Economics Marjory Brooks apologized for the wording on the original flier but stood by the rejection of the four Black women. She cited a 1956 article published in Science entitled "Serum Protein Concentrations in the North American Negroid" as evidence that Black participation would compromise the years-long whites-only study. When Brooks refused to make a public apology, the students left the meeting and began to organize a public protest.




October 23, 1968;
October 22, 1968

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